Once nominations have been submitted and verified, the official campaign period can be a very hectic - and at times bewildering - few weeks. Sometimes it can be easy to feel overwhelmed with call sheets, VIs or leaflets, especially if you're part of a small team. That’s why we’re launching a set of themed check-in sessions between now and Polling Day for Members, giving you a chance to ask questions or just take a few moments out with fellow candidates, swapping experiences or picking up tips from those in a similar situation.
Our first Campaign Pitstop session will be taking place next Tuesday (19th April), from 7pm – 8pm via Teams. Centred on making effective use of the Party’s Campaign Tools, we’ll be joined by CCHQ’s Campaigning Team for a refresher on maximising the use of platforms such as VoteSource, Connect and Toolkit as part of your campaigning arsenal.
Whether you’ve come up against an issue using one of the programmes, have been using them and want to maximise its potential, or just want to know more about them, we hope you’ll be able to join us. Please click here to RSVP, or email CCA@Conservatives.com for the joining link.